New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond

New Horizons in GC Astronomy and Beyond

Poster Presentations

Each poster presenter will have a one-minute oral presentation (flash presentation) using a one-page slide to provide a very brief overview of each work. For each flash presentation, authors are required to send a one-page presentation file in PDF format to gcws2019 'at' before October 18. Please name each presentation file as "[poster number].pdf". These flash presentation slides will be projected by our MacBook Air. Authors of poster numbers [1]-[43] will have their flash presentation on Oct 21, and those of [44]-[91] on Oct 22.
Abstract Book is here: (html) (pdf).

Session 2: Properties and Dynamics in the Central Molecular Zone
[1] Kenta Fujisawa, "Is the Galactic Center Lobe at the Galactic Center?"
[2] Ekaterina Kuznetsova, "Hard X-ray non-thermal emission of the Arches Cluster complex observed in 2012-2016 with NuSTAR and
[3] Hiroki Yokozuka, "Search for High-velocity Compact Molecular Features in the Galactic Disk"
[4] Asaka Uruno, "Automated Identification of High Velocity Compact Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone"
[5] Ryosuke Nakagawara, "Spectral Line Survey toward the Energetic HVCC CO 0.02-0.02"
[6] Kouichiro Nakanishi, "High spatial resolution imaging of the NGC 253 nuclear starburst"
[7] Kensuke Kakiuchi, "The role of the magnetic activity in the Galactic Center region with thermal effect"
[8] Yuto Watanabe, "Peculiar Group of High-velocity Compact Clouds near the Sagittarius B Cloud Complex"
[9] Seyedeh Elaheh Hosseini, "Monitoring S2 flux in search of potential bow-shocks to determine the ambient medium density profile"
[10] Shoko Kanno, "Discovery of a High-velocity Compact Cloud with Very High CO J=3-2/J=1-0 Ratio"
[11] Daisuke Sakai, "Parallax and proper motions measurement of 22 GHz water maser sources toward the CMZ with VLBI
         astrometric observations"
[12] Yuhei Iwata, "A New Look at the High-velocity Compact Cloud CO 0.02-0.02"
[13] Denise Riquelme Vasquez, "Large scale mapping of the Central Molecular Zone: CII and CO emission"
[14] Tierra Candelaria, "Heating the Molecular Gas in the CMZ"
[15] J. Andrew Casey-Clyde, "Kinematic Analysis of the Circumnuclear Disk"
[16] Tomoaki Oyama, "Astrometric observations towards the galactic center region with the upgrade VERA."
[17] Maya Petkova, "From theory to observations: synthetic images of the Galactic Centre star-forming clouds"
[18] Jihane MOULTAKA, "A high spectral resolution view of the central parsec"
[19] Jun-Hui Zhao, "A population of compact radio sources in the radio bright zone at the Galactic center"
[20] Tetsuo Hasegawa, "A 50-pc molecular ring that encircles the brightest region of diffuse X-ray emission - physical association
        or just a coincidence?"
[21] Yoshiaki Hagiwara, "Variable water maser emission from the CMZ of the Circinus galaxy and NGC 4945"
[22] Takuma Tomiyoshi, "Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the formation of eruptive magnetic flux ropes and molecular loops
        in the Galactic Center"
Session 3: Evolution of the Galactic Nucleus
[23] Sachi Sukehiro, "A search for compact radio sources toward the center of the galaxy"
[24] Alessandro Ballone, "Weighing the IMBH candidate CO-0.40-0.22* in the Galactic Centre"
[25] Taras Panamarev, "Origin of the nuclear star cluster"
[26] Shoko Sakai, "The Late-Type Stellar Density Profile in the Galactic Center: A Statistical Approach"
[27] Ryotaro Konishi, "Discovery of molecular loops in the bar of NGC253"
Session 4: Accretion and Feedback in the Galactic Center
[28] Alessandro Ballone, "A common origin for the circumnuclear disc and the nearby molecular clouds in the Galactic Centre"
[29] Diego Calderon, "The role of interacting stellar winds feeding Sgr A*"
*[31] Yuhei Iwata, "Time Variations of the Sgr A* Flux at 230 GHz with ALMA"
[33] Christopher Russell, "Immersive VR exploration of central-parsec hydrodynamic simulations with 100 massive-star winds"
[34] Anna Ciurlo, "IRS16 C gas shell"
[35] Dhanesh Krishnarao (DK), "Ionized Gas Near Galactic Center: LI(N)ER Emission Close to Home"
[36] Zhuo Chen, "Long-term near-infrared variability of Sgr A*"
[38] Randy Campbell, "X7: A tidally stretching gas feature?"
[39] Bin Liu, "The Galactic Center Lobe is not in the Galactic Center"
Session 5: Testing General Relativity with Sgr A*
[40] Makoto Miyoshi, "Short time scale variation in the sub-millimeter flux of Sagittarius A*"
[41] Guang-Yao ZHAO, "VLBI observations of Sgr A* with KaVA and EAVN"
[42] Ilje Cho, "The frequency-dependent core position shift of Sgr A* at mm-wavelengths: from 13 to 7 mm"
[43] Gregory D Martinez, "NStarOrbits: A new tool to study the physics and astrophysics of the supermasive black holes"
[44] Hiromi SAIDA, "Detecting General Relativistic Effect of a Star Orbiting Sgr A* using Subaru Telescope"
[45] David James, "Science Operations of the Event Horizon Telescope"
Session 6: Star Formation in the Galactic Center
[46] Pablo Garcia, "A Multi-Species Multi-Wavelength View of the Sgr A Complex."
[47] Camila Ordenes Huanca, "The 3D positions of gas and dust clouds in the Galactic Center"
[48] Masato Tsuboi, "ALMA Astrometry of the IR Stars in the Vicinity of Sgr A*"
[49] Adam Ginsburg, "Distributed and clustered formation in the Sgr B2 cloud"
[50] Fanyi Meng, "Sagittarius B2: understanding the mix of thermal and non-thermal emission"
[51] Xing Lu, "Witnessing Formation of High-mass Star Clusters in the Central Molecular Zone"
[52] Xing Lu, "Star Formation Rates of Massive Molecular Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone"
[53] Xing Lu, "A Census of Early Phase High-mass Star Formation in the inner Central Molecular Zone"
[54] Tetsuya Zenko, "New analysis of magnetic field using Gaia DR2 catalog and Cepheids in the Galactic plane"
[55] Devin Chu, "Observational Constraints on the Origin of the S-stars"
[56] DaJeong Jang, "2.4 μm Spectroscopy of Red Point Sources in the Galactic Center"
[57] Kunihiko Tanaka, "Spatially-resolved Measurement of Volume Density in the Central Molecular Zone: Star Formation Condition
        in the Galactic Center Clouds"
[58] So-Myoung Park, "Star Formation in the inner bulges of Milky Way-like Galaxies with Gas Replenishment"
[59] Woo-Young Seo, "Rings and Star Formation in Central Regions of Simulated Barred-spiral Galaxies"
[60] H Perry Hatchfield, "Exploring the Structure of Star Forming Clumps with the CMZoom Survey"
[61] Natalie Butterfield, "Molecular and Ionized Gas Kinematics of Star forming regions in the CMZ"
[63] Matt Hosek , "Young Massive Clusters at the Galactic Center: The Initial Mass Function"
[65] Rei Enokiya, "Investigation for evidence and impacts of cloud-cloud collisions in the Galactic Center I: common foot point
        of molecular loops 1 and 2"
[66] Rei Enokiya, "Investigation for evidence and impacts of cloud-cloud collisions in the Galactic Center II: active star forming regions
        in the Central Molecular Zone"
[67] Kenta Matsunaga, "Cloud-Cloud Collisions at the l =1.3d complex in the Galactic Center"
[68] Xing Pan, "Magnificent outflows and Mysterious filaments in Sgr C"
Session 7: The Galactic Center Stellar Population
[69] Alessandro A. Trani, "Scatterings on a sphere: on the origin of the S-Stars"
*[70] Noriyuki Matsunaga, "Approaches to complex populations of evolved stars around the Galactic center"
[71] Francisco Nogueras-Lara, "The GALACTICNUCLEUS survey"
[72] Ryo Sasaki, "A New Eclipsing Low-Mass X-ray Binary with A Giant Companion near the Galactic Center"
[73] Abhimat Gautam, "Constraints on the binary fraction of stars at the Galactic center"
[74] Gustavo Rodriguez Coira, "The molecular layer of GCIRS7"
[75] David Moise Nataf, "On the disassociated globular cluster population of the inner Galaxy"
[76] Kelly Kosmo O'Neil, "Improving Orbit Estimates for Incomplete Orbits with a New Approach to Priors"
[77] Walid Majid, "Searches for Galactic Center Pulsars at High Radio Frequencies"
[78] Masayoshi Nobukawa, "The Galactic Center Diffuse X-rays and Isolated Blackholes with FORCE"
[79] Takashi Sako, "Discovery of Recombining Plasma from A Magnetic Cataclysmic Valiable, EX Hya with Suzaku"
Session 8: High Energy Process, Dark Matter in the Galactic Center
[80] Yukio Tomozawa, "The physical metric in general relativity, size of black holes and neutron stars and the existence of dark matter"
[81] Manuel Arca Sedda, "The origin of the X- and Gamma-ray excess at the Galactic Centre"
[83] Ekaterina Kuznetsova, "First detection of the supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946 in hard X-rays with INTEGRAL"
[84] Masaaki Takahashi, "Trans-fast Magnetosonic Inflows and Outflows in a Black Hole Magnetosphere "
[85] Aika Shimaguchi, "Probing low-energy cosmic rays with observations of the neutral iron line in the W51 complex"
[86] Mariko Saito, "X-ray emission from the mixed-morphology supernova remnant HB9"
[87] Shigeo Yamauchi, "Origin of the hot plasma in the Galactic center X-ray emission"
[88] Matthias Subroweit, "Synchrotron Self-Compton Scattering in Sgr A* Derived from NIR and X-ray Flare Statistics"
[89] Masayoshi Nobukawa, "Local enhancement of Ni abundance in the Galactic Center X-ray emission"
[90] Andres Scherer, "Very-High-Energy Gamma-rays from the Galactic Center Generated by Cosmic Rays"
[91] Takeshi Go TSURU, "New windows to the MeV Cosmic Ray Proton with the two Japanese X-ray Missions, "Xrism" and "FORCE" "

* no flash presentation